26 May, 18h
PHPSrbija Meetup #23
KC Grad
Predkonferencijski meetup :)
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Zdravo svete #23

Pozivamo vas na predkonferencijski PHPSrbija Meetup. :)

Prvi put u novijoj istoriji PHPSrbija Meetupa pravimo presedan i menjamo termin ali ne i mesto održavanja Meetupa :D - s obzirom da nam se bliži velika PHPSrbija konferencija rešili smo da iskoristimo velika imena koja dolaze u Beograd i pomerimo Meetup za 26. maj.

Molimo vas da dođete ranije oko 17:30h i ne zaboravite da uradite RSVP, jer kao i uvek delimo poklone!

Posebno hvala kompaniji Quantox , koja je sponzorisala PHPSrbija Meetup #23!


Clean Application Development

Adam Culp


We all face a daily battle to write good code for ourselves and others, deliver finished applications fast to satisfy business, and ensure everything is properly tested to prevent end-user fails. In this talk Adam Culp will discuss what “clean application development” is, and how it can help us win those battles. The talk will provide practical and usable examples to, integrate into your workflow, and continue to grow into good habits.

O predavaču: 
Adam Culp (@AdamCulp) a Zend consultant at Rogue Wave Software, is passionate about developing with PHP and contributes to many open source projects. He organizes the SunshinePHP Developer Conference and the South Florida PHP Users Group (SoFloPHP) where he enjoys helping others write good code, implement standards, and refactor efficiently. He is a Zend Certified PHP engineer, is a voting member of the PHP-Fig, and holds a seat on the Zend Certification Advisory Board. You can also find him on his Run Geek Radio podcast and GeekyBoy technical blog. When he is not coding or contributing to various developer communities, he can be found hiking around the U.S. National Parks, teaching judo, or long distance (ultra) running.

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    PHP Srbija Organizer, Event Host
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