10 Jul, 18h
PHPSrbija Meetup #13
KC Grad
Legacy Software & Distributed Domain systems
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Zdravo ppl #13, 

Trinaesti po redu meetup/beerup je zakazan za 19. Jul, 18h KC Grad, Beograd.
Molimo Vas da dođete ranije oko 17:30h ! 

Metode razvoja legacy software-a

Ivan Vulović


Skoro pa da ne postoji iskusniji programer koji nije radio na nekom zastarelom softveru.PHP koji je više od deceniju najpopularniji skript jezik, sa svojom čestom modernizacijom vuče i ogroman broj projekata koji takav napredak ne prate.Zbog toga najviše ispaštaju programeri, kojima je rad na ovаkvim projektima manje interesantan i više naporan. Takođe treba napomenuti da se programeri kvare i ne napreduju sa svojim znanjem, radeći na ovakvim stvarima.

Zato ćemo se osvrnuti na načine kako programer treba da pristupi legacy kodu, kako da se sa njim izbori i kako da ga usavrši.Pričaćemo o nekim osnovnim, opšte poznatim metodama razvoja zastarelog koda i o posledicama ukoliko do takvog razvoja ne dođe.

Predavanje će biti korisno svim programerima i šefovima koji se vode politikom "If ain't broken, don't fix it".


Distributed Domain Destruction - Adventures in building distributed systems

Srđan Vranac 

The project has grown enough that it requires refactoring, and extracting pieces of it to be distributed to different machines and places. Of course it should work like a well oiled mechanism, but it may not... at first. For the last three years I have been building, maintaining and fighting a few projects that make use of distributed computing, parallel processing, message brokers, queues and workers. This is one of those "from the trenches" talks, where I will regale you with tales about the series of unfortunate events that may happen as your application grows in complexity, it will try to convey some of the pitfalls and solutions you will encounter along the way, in hope that you will have an easier time circumventing them when it is your turn to battle them. Come hear about the agony you will experience when it starts falling apart, and the thrill you will feel when everything is running juuust right.


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    PHP Srbija Organizer, Event Host
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